Halloween [Contest Results]

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone has a spooky day, and gets tons of candy. Today Prince Tennis hosted a Costume contest. The user with the best costume would win!

Costumes were being judged off of 1. Spookiness and 2. Creativity. Everyone had amazing outfits and it definitely showed how big our imaginations can be. There were finalists selected to advance, and the lucky 10 were:

  • Trinity
  • Terry91
  • Orbae
  • Wavy
  • Cube
  • jay14Blue
  • Swirlie
  • Jacy
  • Waterninja91
  • Supermikey97

Everyone was sent to the thrones for a unique display of the 10 finalists. Each was called forward to present their costume. In the end users in the audience were asked to shout their favorite costume. With almost the whole crowd shouting his name, the winner was…….


Congratulations Terry! Your costume was definitely legendary. The Halloween theme continues on Oldcp, and every room is decorated. Have fun with your friends, and be safe tonight when you are trick or treating!
