Author: oldcptoby

Little’s Trial

The Trial of Bacon/Little

Bacon/Little was at trial on May 30th 2014, 3:45 PM. She was accused of working with the forest boys, but mostly with Glarthir, the group leader. Some Knights and witnesses were there (Rosie, Cherry123). The trial was held in The House Of Thrones. Inside, the jury was on the side benches, the accused were on a stool in the middle of the room and the witness and wise one’s sat on thrones, each beside the Emperor’s throne.

Little said she had a friend called Newmexico, and claimed that she had not known she was a forest boy. Witnesses saw Little with a person called Newmexico. A witness said that Newmexico took them into the Coffee Shop for a prophecy. Little was told she would become a Moderator, and that she would only achieve it with THEIR help. Although in trial Little said she did not agree with it, the Emperor knew that she had liked the idea. She had then worked with the Forest Boys. She had believed, even though she denied it, that it was them who helped her get moderator.

Just before Glarthir was killed at the Ice Rink, Little responded to his death in a miserable way, and Glarthir called out to Little.

After the story had been clear, the jury gathered opinions from others. Everyone had chosen innocent, but the emperor declared her guilty. The Hound then killed Little at The Mountain.


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Bank: Exclusive Update Info

Bank Plans

Since Cheep had the idea to start this bank, and had the first idea of how it would work, she will become the The Lady of The Bank

The Bank is no longer public. There are only certain people who may use the bank. That is Royals/Regents (Prince, Princesses, Queen), Wise Ones (Titled Wise Ones), and Moderators. Unfortunately, Knights do not count as royal, and so they must earn Royal Knight.

Each user of the Bank shall get their own Bank account and choose their password. Since Cheep is the Lady of The Bank, she has access to your accounts. Do not worry, she may not steal! That would lead to an immediate demotion. Cheep/Damen/CW can hire Bankers for the Bank. Write applications on the forums!

Remember, if you do a bad job as Banker, you can get demoted! If you would like to access this Bank, you earn your position to use it. Do not beg or harass Admins for ranks.

Share your comments below!


A new addition: Jail

There has been a jail added to OldCP. For Knights or Staff to visit this jail, say /jail or /jr jail. Only bad penguins shall be sent here, and if you are not an Imperial Knight or OldCP staff member, you may not visit the jail unless arrested.

Knights must warn a bad penguin before using /arrest on the penguin. If the knight believes the penguin has learned their lesson, they say /release to release the prisoner.

When a penguin is arrested, you cannot hear what they are actually saying. Speech bubbles come out as:
*whistles jail song*
*I’m sorry for what I did*
*I wish I wasn’t bad*

The jail is surrounded with lava and prisoners cannot escape. If they try to leave, they shall be summoned back to jail. When they log off, and back on again they are back in their jail.

When a prisoner is released, they are summoned to the courtyard and warned never to do it again!

If you’re an Imperial Knight and reading this, remember not to abuse this!

If you believe you have been unfairly arrested, please report your arrest to either Damen or Cyberwolf.
