OldCP Staff

Stage 2 & 3 Summarized – Autumn GoM

Hello! The following sums up last weekend’s event of Stage 2&3 of GoM.

Stage 2 :
Stage 2 was the hardest stage for teams. Crime Solvers won this stage, and other teams made comebacks by winning tasks. Topaz and Lectures managed to get a few points on their plate. Kacket did not do very well in that stage. They became one point behind Crime Solvers though. This set up Stage 3 very well though.

Stage 3 :
Stage 3 was composed for 5 team tasks, and 2 individual finalist tasks.
There were many finalists the list is below.

Finalists :


Kacket won 2 team tasks making them in the lead and Kacket won the 2015 Autumn GoM.

The finalist tasks were of course the interview and pizza parlor. There were many jobs assigned in the Pizza Parlor and it was a very long task. After a very long and hard competition, the winner was decided.

Sadie was the winner of the 2015 Autumn GoM!

I hope you were able to attend the GoM and have fun! I cannot wait for the next one in Winter.

See you soon,
OldCP Blogger

OldCP changes 25/04/15

A session was held by Damen today, which brought a lot of changes within the management of DSGHQ.

Changes within the OldCP staff:
Two new people were appointed as Moderator of the game during the session.
The two new moderators are ollo (who upgraded from a Knight to a Moderator), and rae (who is also a moderator on the official DSGHQ xat chatroom).

These two people are very worthy of the ranks they were given, and will surely be a big help in keeping OldCP safe.

PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
(Image credit: Bailey)

Changes with the DSGHQ chats:
Following the demotion of Administrator Roberto yesterday, the chat was left without a chat Warden, as he was the Warden prior to his demotion.
During the session, Damen announced that Chelsey would become the new Warden, and that she would be given full power/control of the DSGHQ chat rooms.

PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey
PC: Bailey

That is all that was changed from today’s session.
Congratulations to all those mentioned!

Staff Changes

Many changes have been made to the staff team as of late. Here’s what you may have missed:


Empress IceeSofie promoted the honorable Tommy0724 to Knight of the DSGHQ. Many users were excited for this promotion and looked forward to seeing him in action.


PC: Chelsey


CPManiac was once again promoted to forum moderator by Prince Tennis the Great under the permission of Empress IceeSofie.


PC: Chelsey


Under the reign of Emperor Helper Chelsey Spike, Lord Roberto was put under review for his rank as administrator. The Wise Council was consulted, as well as the public and general staff team, and all opinions were accounted for. The dispute ultimately ended in the demotion of Lord Roberto for acting as a bad role model and breaking the new rule instituted by Emperor Damen Spike.

“What new rule?” you may ask. The quote from Damen is as follows:

– Do not behave intoxicated or be intoxicated or drunk or joke about being drunk

You can find this new rule on the rules page of the forums. This applies to staff members, but should be followed by individual users as well if they aspire to be a good role model.


PC: Chelsey


Another penguin effected by Chelsey’s reign was the loyal user, CoffeeCow. CoffeeCow was promoted to Knight and will serve the DSGHQ community well.


PC: Chelsey

Each change will bring further greatness to the community. Be sure to congratulate those who were promoted when you see them!


OldCP: Recent Staff Updates

Hi there!

Last week, the OldCP Staff had a bit of a change around. Three moderators were demoted, and two users were promoted. Here are some details:

Demoted Moderators:

  • Junior
  • Minty
  • R2D2

Minty and R2d2 resigned from the position of moderator, however I’m yet to find out the reason of Junior’s demotion.

Recent Promotions:

  • MrLion
  • Bp28

MrLion and Bp28 both won the moderator votes last week. On Saturday, June 21st, they were both promoted to the rank of moderator! I believe Chris is being watched by little birds still, but I’m unsure if this is still in the process. Good luck to MrLion and Bp28, I’m sure you will do the job well!




Vote Of The Moderators.

Hi all,

In OldCP today, many gathered to take part in the important vote of the mods. As usuall, this occurred in the House of Thrones. We had two winners, and a possible third for the near future.

Here are the results of the vote:

Vote 1:


  • Dice
  • PenguinDsc
  • Sir Tikiliki

Winner: None from this vote, all candidates were denied.

Vote 2:


  • MrLion
  • Sir Suzeh
  • Cherry123

Winner: MrLion!

Vote 3:


  • Captain Chris
  • Sir Bp28
  • AudreyGal

Winner: Bp28!

All the candidates were voted against in vote 1, and vote 3. After vote 3, we were all asked to call out the name of the user who we think should be moderator. This turned out to be Bp28! The winners will get their promotion on Friday, and become moderator until their days are done. However, Chris was a popular candidate and will be spied on by Little Birds to see if he really is moderator worthy. He will not be promoted at the same time as the winners.

How the voting system works:

If you wish to vote for the candidates name given, say ‘I’. If you wish not for the candidate to have a promotion, say ‘Boo’.

There will be more votes tomorrow; same location, same time. Be ready and think of who you want as one of the next moderators!



Royal Wedding: Archie & Raindrop.

Hi there!

A big event on OldCP is due to occur on the 13th June.  As of this day, me (Prince Archie) and Princess Raindrop are to be married. Here are some details:

Set Location: House Of Thrones, OldCP.

Set Time: 3:30 PM EST. (8:30 PM UK)

Priest: Wise Jacobg, Wise Bakon or Wise Waters.

Best Man: Sir Tennis.

Groomsmen: Sir Toby and Minty.

Note: Knights are required for guarding!

Be there if you can, we would appreciate lots of guests! I will edit in any updates we get from now.

